
Last updated March 04, 2024

Research projects at the Center for Advanced Research Computing (CARC) are created and managed by Principal Investigators (PIs). PhD-level researchers—which include faculty, research staff, and postdocs (but not PhD students)—are eligible for PI status.

If you believe you’re eligible for PI status but this isn’t reflected in the CARC user portal, please submit a help ticket.

This page contains useful links for PIs to get started using CARC and how to make the most of our services.

0.0.1 Allocation Types and Requests

This is where you can find further information about the types of allocations CARC has available and how to request allocations

0.0.2 User Portal

Information about how to use the CARC user portal with a link to the page.

0.0.3 Project and Allocation Setup

A step-by-step quick start guide to setting up projects and allocations on CARC systems.

0.0.4 Introduction to CARC

A quick guide to familiarize yourself with the basics of CARC.

0.0.5 Managing Users on Projects

Information on how to add and remove users, as well as change their role in the user portal.

0.0.6 Annual Project Review

Instructions on how to complete the mandatory annual project review in the user portal.

0.0.7 Condo Cluster Program

For PIs interested in dedicated HPC resources, check out our Condo Cluster Program (CCP) overview here.

0.0.8 Grant Development Support

Information about CARC facilities and resources, including a downloadable PDF that can be used as a supporting document for grant applications.

0.0.9 FAQ

Check out our frequently asked questions if you’re stuck.