Software Module System
On both the Discovery cluster and the Endeavour condo cluster, users can find and load software using the Lmod module system. Lmod dynamically changes your shell environment using module files to ensure the software applications and libraries you use are compatible. Module files are configuration files, written as Lua scripts, that instruct how to make an application or library available during your shell session. Typically, a module file contains instructions to initialize or modify environment variables, such as PATH
Using a module system like Lmod is helpful because applications and libraries compiled with one compiler are not necessarily compatible with applications and libraries compiled with a different compiler, and your shell environment must be changed to accommodate these incompatibilities. With Lmod, resetting your environment is done dynamically when you load new modules. Loading a module will make available only compatible software for you to use. In this way, modules are organized in a hierarchy based on compilers.
0.0.1 Finding software
When you log in, we automatically load a module named usc
for you, which is actually a collection of modules. You can enter the module list
command to view them:
[user@discovery3 ~]$ module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) gcc/13.3.0 3) openblas/0.3.28 5) usc/13.3.0
2) python/3.11.9 4) openmpi/5.0.5
This is our default software stack and the recommended one for most users, based on the GCC 13.3.0 compiler.
The naming convention for modules is <software_name>/<version>
(e.g., gcc/13.3.0
If you do not want these modules to be automatically loaded when you log in, add module purge
to your ~/.bashrc. Using module av
To see what modules you can load into your environment, enter the command module av
. With gcc/13.3.0
loaded, this will print a large number of available modules:
user@discovery1: module av
---- /apps/spack/2406/apps/lmod/linux-rocky8-x86_64/openmpi/5.0.5-mufqd73/gcc/13.3.0 ----
adiak/0.4.0 hmmer/3.4 parmetis/4.0.3 (D)
armadillo/12.8.1 hpcg/3.1 poppler/23.04.0
arpack-ng/3.9.0 hpl/2.3 qmcpack/3.17.1
arrow/7.0.0 hypre/2.31.0 quantum-espresso/7.3.1
boost/1.85.0 ior/3.3.0 scotch/7.0.3
butterflypack/2.4.0 libcircle/0.3.0 sfcgal/1.5.1
cgal/5.6 lwgrp/1.0.5 silo/4.11.1
charmpp/7.0.0 mpigraph/main slate/2023.11.05
dtcmp/1.1.4 namd/3.0b6 strumpack/7.2.0
elpa/2023.11.001-patched netcdf-c/4.9.2 superlu-dist/8.2.1
fftw/3.3.10 (D) netcdf-cxx4/4.3.1 thrift/0.18.1
gdal/3.9.2 netcdf-fortran/4.6.1 zoltan/3.901
gmt/6.5.0 netlib-scalapack/2.2.0
hdf5/1.14.3 (D) parallel-netcdf/1.12.3
----------------------------- /apps/lmod/modules/gcc/13.3.0 -----------------------------
--------------- /apps/spack/2406/apps/lmod/linux-rocky8-x86_64/gcc/13.3.0 ---------------
alsa-lib/1.2.12 libtool/2.4.7
ant/1.10.14 libunistring/1.2
aom/v3.9.1 libunwind/1.6.2
argobots/1.2 libuv/1.46.0
aria2/1.37.0 libvorbis/1.3.7
To unload all your loaded modules, enter the command module purge
. Then module list
will return No modules loaded
. If you enter module av
again, then you will see only the core modules. These are primarily compilers but can also include applications like MATLAB that are pre-built and have no dependencies:
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module av
----------------------- /apps/spack/2406/apps/lmod/linux-rocky8-x86_64/openmpi/5.0.5-mufqd73/gcc/13.3.0 -----------------------
adiak/0.4.0 hmmer/3.4 parmetis/4.0.3 (D)
armadillo/12.8.1 hpcg/3.1 poppler/23.04.0
arpack-ng/3.9.0 hpl/2.3 qmcpack/3.17.1
arrow/7.0.0 hypre/2.31.0 quantum-espresso/7.3.1
boost/1.85.0 ior/3.3.0 scotch/7.0.3
butterflypack/2.4.0 libcircle/0.3.0 sfcgal/1.5.1
cgal/5.6 lwgrp/1.0.5 silo/4.11.1
charmpp/7.0.0 mpigraph/main slate/2023.11.05
dtcmp/1.1.4 namd/3.0b6 strumpack/7.2.0
elpa/2023.11.001-patched netcdf-c/4.9.2 superlu-dist/8.2.1
fftw/3.3.10 (D) netcdf-cxx4/4.3.1 thrift/0.18.1
gdal/3.9.2 netcdf-fortran/4.6.1 zoltan/3.901
gmt/6.5.0 netlib-scalapack/2.2.0
hdf5/1.14.3 (D) parallel-netcdf/1.12.3
D: Default Module
Use `module spider" to find all possible modules and extensions.
Use "module keyword key1 key2 ..." to search for all possible modules matching any of the "keys".
To explore the software stacks available, load one of these core modules and then see which new ones are unlocked. For example, to see all applications built with a certain compiler, load that compiler module and then enter module av
. Using module spider
If you know the name of a software package, use the module spider
command to find out if it is available and how to load it.
For example, to search for Open MPI modules:
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module spider openmpi
For detailed information about a specific "openmpi" package (including how to load the modules) use the module's full name.
Note that names that have a trailing (E) are extensions provided by other modules.
For example:
$ module spider openmpi/5.0.5
This shows that there are two versions of Open MPI available. For more specific information, add the version to your command as given in the example:
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module spider openmpi/5.0.5
openmpi: openmpi/5.0.5
You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the "openmpi/5.0.5" module is available to load.
An open source Message Passing Interface implementation. The Open MPI
Project is an open source Message Passing Interface implementation that
is developed and maintained by a consortium of academic, research, and
industry partners. Open MPI is therefore able to combine the expertise,
technologies, and resources from all across the High Performance
Computing community in order to build the best MPI library available.
Open MPI offers advantages for system and software vendors, application
developers and computer science researchers. Using module keyword
If you do not know the exact name of a software package, use the module keyword
command instead to search for modules.
For example, to search with the keyword sam
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module keyword sam
The following modules match your search criteria: "sam"
bamutil: bamutil/1.0.13
cufflinks: cufflinks/2.2.1
jags: jags/4.3.0
libbsd: libbsd/0.9.1, libbsd/0.10.0
pcre: pcre/8.42, pcre/8.43
pcre2: pcre2/10.31
perl-text-soundex: perl-text-soundex/3.05
picard: picard/2.20.8
samtools: samtools/1.10, samtools/18.0.4
To learn more about a package execute:
$ module spider Foo
where "Foo" is the name of a module.
To find detailed information about a particular package, specify the version if there is more than one:
$ module spider Foo/11.1
0.0.2 Loading and unloading software
Typically, loading modules is as simple as entering module load <software_name>
. The <software_name>
must be visible when you run module av
By entering:
module load <software_name>
Lmod will set your environment such that the software specified in <software_name>
will be placed in your PATH
, and then you can run the commands associated with <software_name>
If there are multiple versions of <software_name>
, you can specify a version:
module load <software_name>/<version>
For example, to load gcc
version 12.3.0, enter:
module load gcc/12.3.0
If no version is specified:
module load gcc
then the default version will be loaded. The default version is indicated with a (D)
next to it after running module av
To unload a specific module, enter:
module unload <software_name>
To see the modules that you currently have loaded, enter:
module list
To see all modules that are compatible with the currently loaded modules and available to be loaded, enter:
module av
To unload all currently loaded modules and reset your environment, enter:
module purge
To reload the default usc
module collection, enter:
module load usc
Enter module help
to view more information about the available module
0.0.3 Environment management
One of the best features of Lmod is that it tracks software dependencies automatically. Importantly, there are two safety features when using the module system:
- Only one version of a module can be loaded at once
- Only one compiler and MPI implementation can be loaded at once
This ensures that the loaded modules are compatible with one another.
For example, let’s say you want to use the jellyfish
package compiled with gcc/13.3.0
. You would load it with:
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module load gcc/13.3.0 jellyfish
If for some reason you need to switch to the intel
compiler set, you can use the module swap
command to swap out the gcc
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module swap gcc intel
Due to MODULEPATH changes, the following have been reloaded:
1) jellyfish/2.3.0
Lmod automatically changes the jellyfish
module to one that was compiled with intel
The module system can also automatically replace or deactivate modules to ensure the packages that are loaded are compatible with each other. For example, switching from gcc/13.3.0
to gcc/12.3.0
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module load gcc/12.3.0
Inactive Modules:
1) openblas/0.3.28 2) openmpi/5.0.5
Due to MODULEPATH changes, the following have been reloaded:
1) python/3.11.9
The following have been reloaded with a version change:
1) gcc/13.3.0 => gcc/12.3.0
0.0.4 Module settings
Loading the desired module will make some changes to your shell environment. Some common settings in module files include:
Environment variable | Description |
Creates variable {NAME}_ROOT which points to the root directory of installation |
Adds {NAME}_ROOT/bin to executable search path |
Adds {NAME}_ROOT/share/man to manual search path |
Adds appropriate library directory to library search path |
Enables package to be found by pkg-config ; useful for building other software |
Enables package build settings to be found by cmake ; useful for building other software |
Every module is different; some will have extra environment variables, while others will have fewer.
To see what a module changes, use the module show
module show <software_name>
This will print the contents of the module file. For example:
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module show gcc
whatis("Name: gcc")
whatis("Version: 13.3.0")
whatis("Target: x86_64")
whatis("Category: compiler")
whatis("Keywords: compiler, gcc, g++, gfortran, c, c++, fortran")
whatis("Short description: GNU Compiler Collection including gcc, g++, and gfortran.")
help([[The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Ada, Go,
and D, as well as libraries for these languages (libstdc++,...). GCC was originally written
as the compiler for the GNU operating system. The GNU system was developed to be 100%
free software, free in the sense that it respects the user's freedom.
In this case, loading the GCC module will modify your PATH
environment variable by prepending it with the path to the GCC binaries. Additionally, it creates a new variable named GCC_ROOT
that you could then use if needed:
[user@discovery1 ~]$ echo $GCC_ROOT
Every module sets a <SOFTWARE_NAME>_ROOT
variable, which is a useful shortcut pointing to the root directory of the installation.
0.0.5 Saving module collections
Another useful feature of Lmod is saving collections of modules for easier loading and unloading.
With a set of desired modules loaded, use module save
to save them as your default collection:
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module purge
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module load gcc/13.3.0 r/4.4.2
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module save
Saved current collection of modules to: "default"
Then the next time you log in use module restore
to load your default collection:
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module restore
Restoring modules from user's default
You can also save multiple collections by specifying a collection name:
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module save mymodules
Saved current collection of modules to: "mymodules"
Then use the collection name when restoring:
[user@discovery1 ~]$ module restore mymodules
Restoring modules from user's mymodules
0.0.6 Additional resources
If you have questions about or need help with software modules, please submit a help ticket and we will assist you.