Transferring Research Data

Last updated March 05, 2024

Secure and efficient data transfer to and from CARC systems can be achieved with a variety of useful tools, the choice of which depends on whether the storage location is a personal computer or an external site (e.g., cloud storage). The choice also depends heavily on the requirement of data sensitivity as well as the familiarity of the user. There are three methods of data transfer that we recommend for use with CARC systems: command-line tools, graphical tools, and the Globus service.

Due to security risks, please be mindful of the type of information being transferred. Where possible, omit all information that may be considered confidential. For examples of confidential information that requires additional consideration, visit

Your transfer speeds are determined by a number of factors, such as the network speed at your location, router and firewall settings, etc. If you experience slower than expected transfers, try to troubleshoot these issues first.

0.0.1 Command-line tools

Information on how to use command-line tools and which transfer scenarios they are best suited for.

0.0.2 Graphical tools

Instructions on how to use applications such as Cyberduck, FileZilla, and WinSCP, which provide a graphical user interface (GUI) to transfer data.

0.0.3 Globus service

Instructions on how to use Globus for large data transfers and the best transfer speeds.

0.0.4 Rclone

Information on how to use rclone to transfer data to and from cloud storage.