Office Hours & Consultations

Last updated August 14, 2024

The Center for Advanced Research Computing (CARC) has a team of knowledgeable staff to assist researchers with using our systems.

0.0.1 Office hours

Office hours are an opportunity for CARC users to ask questions about anything related to research computing.

Currently, office hours are taking place both in-person in Room 3L of Leavey Library and virtually via Zoom every Tuesday from 2:30-5:00 pm. Office hours are drop-in and do not require registration. Users need a USC NetID to join the Zoom meeting at the following link:

Zoom office hours link

In-person office hours may be suspended during breaks. Please check CARC email announcements for updates.

0.0.2 Consultations

Consultations for CARC account holders are available outside of regularly scheduled office hours. These are recommended for:

  • New condo owners, research groups, and instructors who wish to explore CARC’s services.
  • CARC users who have a complex and/or time-critical problem that is best resolved with a (virtual) face-to-face meeting.
  • Users who cannot attend the regularly scheduled office hours.

If you’d like to request a consultation, please submit a help ticket and select “Consultation Request” for the ticket category.

0.0.3 Meetings for new users

Users that are new to CARC are highly encouraged to sign up for a short introductory meeting that includes a presentation and discussion on CARC resources and using CARC for research purposes.

To register for a new user meeting, please submit a help ticket and specify that you’re requesting a new user meeting.

0.0.4 New faculty orientations

New faculty, junior faculty, and graduate students can schedule short, high-level presentations with our Research Facilitation & Applications team to learn more about CARC resources, policies, and sponsored research assistance. Please email to schedule one of these presentations.

For presentations to be held at new faculty orientations at the beginning of the academic year, please contact us well in advance to avoid potential scheduling conflicts.