Shell Access

Last updated July 12, 2023

OnDemand provides the ability to SSH into the Discovery and Endeavour clusters as well as a dedicated Data Transfer node: Discovery cluster

To access the Discovery cluster, select Clusters->Discovery Cluster Shell Access from the dropdown.

Shell access will be connected to the Discovery login node. For detailed information on the Discovery cluster, see the Getting Started with Discovery user guide. Endeavour condo cluster

To use the Endeavour cluster, you must belong to a CARC project with an Endeavour allocation.

To access the Endeavour cluster, select Clusters->Endeavour (condo) Cluster Shell Access from the dropdown.

Shell access will be connected to the Endeavour login node. For detailed information on the Endeavour cluster, see the Getting Started with Endeavour user guide. Data transfer node

To access the data transfer node, select Clusters->Data Transfer Shell Access from the dropdown.

Shell access will be connected to a dedicated data transfer node. For detailed information on data transfer, see the Transferring Data user guides.