
Last updated January 12, 2025

Students utilizing the Center for Advanced Research Computing (CARC) work with Principal Investigators (PIs) on research projects or on their own graduate student research projects. The type of allocations students are granted depends on the which category they fall under.

Only PIs have the ability to create projects and request allocations on the user portal. Please coordinate with your PI for initial setup on CARC systems.

This page contains useful links for students to get started using CARC and how to make the most of our services.

0.0.1 Introduction to CARC

A quick guide to familiarize yourself with the basics of CARC.

0.0.2 Workshops

CARC offers free, weekly workshops on various HPC topics. Find the schedule and links to register here.

0.0.3 Office Hours

CARC offers both in-person and virtual office hours. The Zoom link, physical location, and dates can be found here.

0.0.4 Summer Boot Camp

CARC hosts an intensive 3-day boot camp every summer. Head to this page to find updates and details about upcoming boot camps.

0.0.5 Credited Courses

Interested in taking credit-bearing classes that focus on high-performance computing? Find more information here about the class that CARC teaches.

0.0.6 CARC Research and Projects

Information about the PIs currently working with CARC and the research they are conducting on our systems.

0.0.7 User Forum

A place where students can read CARC announcements, ask questions, and interact with other students using CARC systems.

0.0.8 User Portal

Information about how to use the CARC user portal with a link to the page.

0.0.9 FAQ

Check out our frequently asked questions if you’re stuck.