Summer Boot Camp

Last updated June 21, 2023

Every summer, CARC hosts an intensive 3-day boot camp to get our users up to speed on how to use CAR’s HPC systems before the Fall semester starts. Topic range from beginner to advanced and cover everything from logging in to using programming languages and parallel programming.

Our new summer boot camp structure has two tracks: a beginner track and an advanced track.

Anyone who is completely new to HPC and CARC should register for the beginner track. Our instructors will teach new users how to log in to CARC systems, run jobs using Slurm, basic command line prompts, and more.

Users who are familiar with CARC and HPC basics should sign up for the advanced track. Here we will cover parallel programming with MPI, building neural networks, running deep learning applications, and much more.

Check back here for updates on when our summer boot camp will be held, the exact classes offered in each track, and links to register!

0.0.1 2024 Summer Boot Camp - Advanced Track

The 2024 beginner track will take place August 15-16. Scan the QR on the flyer or click the link below to register!

Register here