New Pages and Updated Content on CARC Website

Posted on April 06, 2021 by Andrea Renney New tools, user guides, and resources to better support CARC users.

We’ve recently added a couple new sections and updated some existing pages on the CARC website:

  • New Bio Resources pages: Our new Bio Resources section of the CARC website includes reference genomes, protein and nucleotide sequences databases, and other databases and resources now available on Discovery and Endeavour.

  • Updated External Tools and Resources page: We’ve added more links to our External Tools and Resources page and organized them into helpful sections like documentation, software and project tools, and online catalogues and libraries.

  • New video content added: We’ve added a set of introductory how-to videos to our On-Demand Video Learning page and our YouTube channel, as well as some new workshop recordings from March and April’s Friday workshops.

  • User guide updates: We’ve also updated some existing user guides to ensure the most up-to-date information about our systems: